The Heart of Christmas

“A light can also shine hope into a weary soul and a darkened heart.” – Heidi Dalton, The Heart of Christmas




About Heidi

My purpose in life has always been to take what God allows me to encounter and use it to help others. I have had both trauma and dementia touch my life — two areas that are often misunderstood and the effects underestimated. I believe in a God who brings hope and heals our hearts, no matter how devastating or damaging our circumstances have been.

I am now entering into a beautiful new space in my life. God is affording me the time, as well as the wisdom of experiencing His love and grace through difficulties, and he is allowing me to emerge on the other side to write about all of it.

I enjoy family time, dogs, writing, butterflies, traveling, baking, singing, walking, chocolate, and swimming. My favorite vacations are sitting in front of God’s majestic ocean on a beach or hiking mountain paths with my husband, occasionally resting by a trickling stream to simply listen and view our Creator’s handiwork.

Reflections of Hope

Do you know someone who is living with a dementia-related illness? Are you a relative? A caregiver? A friend? Are the ever-changing behaviors and emotions that go along with dementia a challenge for you? Do you feel alone? This book is written just for you.

Drawing insight from her own journey with her mom’s battle with dementia, Heidi will lovingly and compassionately walk you through many of the feelings and decisions one faces throughout this process. Reflections of Hope includes real-life
stories, questions to reflect upon, devotional thoughts, and prayers for direction, comfort, and peace.

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Heidi Dalton


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